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How a Multi-Stage Furnace Can Improve Efficiency & Lower Your Heating Bills

multi-stage furnace in Chicago, IL

Considering Illinois is among the most costly states for home heating, high-efficiency HVAC upgrades can really pay off for Chicago homeowners. In fact, installing a multi-stage furnace is a fantastic way to shave serious money off your heating bills this winter.

What Is a Multi-Stage Furnace?

Traditional furnaces can only operate at one level, continuously producing maximum heating until the thermostat reaches the desired setpoint. They then shut off, waiting until the temperature gets too low again to repeat the cycle. Conversely, multi-stage furnaces are designed to regulate their output depending on the conditions in your home. When the difference between the indoor temperature and your thermostat setting is large, multi-stage units run normally at full capacity. As the difference shrinks, they switch to a lower stage that produces slower, less intense heating.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Since multi-stage furnaces don’t need to generate as much heat during low-stage operation, they also don’t burn as much fuel. This can significantly improve overall efficiency, potentially saving hundreds of dollars a year compared to older single-stage units. The most advanced systems also pair this technology with variable-speed blowers that automatically adjust fan speeds to maintain optimal air circulation. This keeps electricity consumption to a minimum, providing even greater energy savings.

Precise and Efficient Home Heating

One of the biggest perks of upgrading your furnace is the greatly improved temperature control that multi-stage systems provide. Conventional units tend to generate a lot of heat very quickly. Not only does this create hot and cold spots, but it often wastes energy by heating your home beyond your desired temperature. Meanwhile, multi-stage systems only produce as much heat as you need, conserving energy while simultaneously maximizing comfort.

Ready to find out how much you can save by upgrading to a new multi-stage furnace? Call or contact Besco Air Inc. Heating & Cooling for a free quote on a full professional heating replacement!

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